Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Bunion

I have had these hideous bunion since I was 14 yrs old! Most people do not develop them at such a young age. Most people get them as they are older. I am just lucky I guess. So I decided it was time to get something done about this! I went to a Podiatrist and scheduled a surgery. The surgery is quick and was only 1hr long. The recovery, on the other hand, is 8 weeks!

What is a bunion? Well, it is your big toe joint that gets pushed out when your toe gets pushed in. High heels and tight shoes can overtime cause a bunion to form. In my case, genetics played a role. Not exactly sure how, it just sorta did it on its own.

Here is my before pic. This was taken just hours before my surgery.

This is my first follow up appt 4 days later.
(Caution: if you are faint of heart)

This is what it looks like today! It has been just over a month since my surgery. I still have 3 more weeks left wearing my boot. The swelling will go down in 6 months or so. I am feeling great and can't wait until the boot comes off and the cute shoes come one!
(Yeah, I know need to paint the nails. Gonna get a pedicure once the boot is off )