Monday, November 2, 2009

The Dryer

So the girls are at that age. What age you ask? The age when the dryer is no longer something that just mommy plays with. They have had so much fun lately climbing in and out of the dryer. The giggles seem the loudest when Raelyn is inside asking Maelee to close the door. After closing the door, Maelee will then turn around and ask, “Where’s RaeRae?” Shortly thereafter Raelyn kicks the door open and the hysterical laughter ensues. Last night they probably spent a good 45 minutes to an hour. Best toy we ever bought. Now only if I could teach them how to fold the laundry, and not just play with it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's a Boy!!!

Tom and I will be welcoming our third child this Valentine's day! We are excited that we will have a boy. We were for sure it was going to be another girl, but to our surprise it is a little boy. We do not have any names. We are stumped! I am sure we will find something we like and can both agree on.

It will be so much fun to add a little blue to all the pink! We know our girls will love their little brother. They will be great little mommies to him.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

5 Year Anniversary

5 years!!! Tom and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Friday! We went to Las Vegas on a quick get away. We have never left our girls over night before, so it was definitely an adventure.

This is a picture of us in our suite! We stayed in the Venetian. It was such a beautiful hotel! We could have not picked a better place to stay.

Here are a few more pictures of our Hotel Suite. Just to get an idea how nice it was! You know you are staying somewhere nice when you have three flat screens, one in the living room, one by the bed, and one in the bathroom! No joke, they had a phone by the desk, one on the night stand, and one in the toilet room! Yeah because we all need to talk on the phone while we are doing our business.

We did so many things in the 36 hours we were there! We were non-stop! I have the blisters on my feet to prove it!
We rekindled our love on a romatic Gondola ride. We even kissed under the bridge for good luck. We shared our Gondola with a sweet older couple that were celbrating their 45th yeah anniversary.

This is the Blue Man Group. I just had to get a picture with them.

The next few pictures are from the wax muesem that we went to! It was the most fun we had! Tom and I went a little nuts, but it was too much fun to pass up.

Look over there!

Sitting with the beautiful Julia Roberts.

Tom and Nick, best buds.

My new BFF Jessica Simpson! She had on some cute shoes!

Giving a little kiss to Indiane Jones (Harrison Ford). He's my hero!

I am working that motorcycle!

Playing some poker with Ben Afleck.

Yup, that's Arnold! I am feeling his muscles.

Playing a little basketball with Shaq!

I got married while I was in Vegas. Nope, I didn't renew my vows with Tom, I married George Clooney!

You can't pass up giving a statement to Oprah.

I am whispering a little secret to Larry King

Mark has nothing on me! -Tom

We went to a Criss Angel show! Camera's were not allowed. They probably didn't want to reveal all this Mind Freaks secrets! So we took a picture of him in the wax.

Chillin with Cameron Diaz.

I kid you not, this is a real man! They had a scary attraction at the wax museum. It was supposed to be all the scary people from Area 51. I really got to read up on Area 51.

Ok, I had the most fun at the wax museum! I just wanted a picture with everyone! I mean seriously, will I ever get to see any of these people in real life? Most likey not, I had to take advatage of it.

Tom feeling lucky at the slot machines. Yeah, not so lucky. I don't think he won anything. I have never been to a casino in my life until Vegas. I could not believe that as soon as I got off the plane there were slot machines in the terminals! Vegas is all about entertainment, that is for sure!

The very last thing we did was see the Las Vegas Temple. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to make a session. I know, I know we should have made the temple our first priority. We will definitely do it again next time!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Yoga Mat

The Girls love to play with the yoga mat. They like to sit on it an play on it. They like to roll and fold it up. They just have so much fun! They cannot get enough of it.

So Tom got an idea.

Here we go Maelee.

Keep turning.

Tada! A Maelee burrito.

Raelyn's turn.



A Raelyn Roll-up!
We all had so much fun playing with yoga mat together. They want Tom to do it again and again.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Maelee's Hat

This is Maelee's hat. She absolutely loves it! Every time she sees it, she has to wear it! She learned the sign for hat,and she is always hitting her head to let us know that she wants it. It is so cute!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Butt butt

We had a very interesting Sacrament today. We were only sitting in the chapel for 20 minutes before we had to leave because our girls were getting to restless. Just in those 20 minutes we managed to get everyone's attention around us.

Raelyn was sitting on Tom's lap just playing aroun, being a typical 2 year old. The she started to say loudl butt butt. Now it is not what you think. She was actualy talking about Tom's "buttons" on his shirt. She just calls them butts. So Tom tries to correct her, but she just kept on calling them butts.

Then Raelyn was trying to climb onto my lap. She was laying across with her face down in my lap. Suddely, I gasped really loud (I must say i overreacted a bit!) and then everyone turns arounf and stares at me. I couldn't help but turn bright red. Raelyn bit me on the thigh! It started and hurt me. Everyone thought something terrible happen.

So that was our sacrament meeting.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Another day in the life...

Another day in the life of the Merrills. Maelee is getting bigger everyday. Tomorrow she will be 11 months! I can't believe it, she wil be a year old next month. She is just about walking! She is up 6 steps. Watch out! She will be all over the place! She knows two words. The first word she learned it Mama and the second is Na Na (no no). Not only will she tell you know, she aslo shakes her finger at you! She learned this from her older sister Raelyn who is often telling her NO! It is hard not to laugh because it is the cutest thing ever, a 10 month old saying no.

Raelyn is also a big girl! She is offically potty trained! It only took 4 days and now she is completely potty trained, even at night! It has been so nice to have only one child in diapers. Today, she was having so much fun talking on her cell phone. She will walk around the house just chatting it up. I have know idea where she learned this ;). She has also gained some interst in helping me cook. She likes to help our the ingredients into the bowl, stir, and give the right cooking utensils. She has aslo gained interest in the laundry. She wants to help put the soap in the laundry and put the clothes in . She feels like such a big girl. And she is becoming a big girl she its learning more words everyday and putting them into sentences.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I have a blog

Hi Everyone! I finally have a blog! I hope i keep it up to date so you all know how the Tom and Kati Merril family is doing!