Friday, March 6, 2009

Another day in the life...

Another day in the life of the Merrills. Maelee is getting bigger everyday. Tomorrow she will be 11 months! I can't believe it, she wil be a year old next month. She is just about walking! She is up 6 steps. Watch out! She will be all over the place! She knows two words. The first word she learned it Mama and the second is Na Na (no no). Not only will she tell you know, she aslo shakes her finger at you! She learned this from her older sister Raelyn who is often telling her NO! It is hard not to laugh because it is the cutest thing ever, a 10 month old saying no.

Raelyn is also a big girl! She is offically potty trained! It only took 4 days and now she is completely potty trained, even at night! It has been so nice to have only one child in diapers. Today, she was having so much fun talking on her cell phone. She will walk around the house just chatting it up. I have know idea where she learned this ;). She has also gained some interst in helping me cook. She likes to help our the ingredients into the bowl, stir, and give the right cooking utensils. She has aslo gained interest in the laundry. She wants to help put the soap in the laundry and put the clothes in . She feels like such a big girl. And she is becoming a big girl she its learning more words everyday and putting them into sentences.


Didion 6-Pack said...

YAY!!!! I'm so happy to have a new way to stay in touch with you!!! Keeley taught me everything I know about blogs. If you ever need help be sure to drop her a line ;o) Glad you guys are doing well.