Wednesday, September 29, 2010


As most of you know, my children have chronic constipation. It is an uphill battle with the girls to keep them regular. They receive a stool softener daily and without it they will get backed up. We are in the process of weening them from it. Tyson, no surprise, also gets constipated. However, we found as long as we keep prunes in his diet he will stay regular. Thank Heavens! No more anal fissure for him. I hope someday, they will all poop.

We literally log all of our children's BMs. It's the topic of our conversions around the dinner table. We talk about poop all day long. When I give Tom a call at work, without a doubt we will converse with one another about our kid's poop. I am sure the guys at his work that listen to recorded conversation giggle out our conversations because it always involves poop. We even describe the type of BM because they need 'mashed potatoes' and not 'play dough' poop. Seriously, we talk about poop ALL THE TIME!

So with all this poop talk, we coined the phrase "poopdate" It's an contraction of "poop update" or a pun for "update". We give each other poopdates through out the week so we know how our kids are doing.

So yes, know that you all learned this new awesome word, you can now use it in your daily conversations. So the next time you need to tell someone about your poop, just think "poopdate"


Jessica said...

oh need help! lol. Although I get it! Right now we are potty training matthew, so we are constantly.."did he do it? how many times blah blah blah."

You need a "nonpoop" DATE with your hubby!

Jonny and Brittany said...

oh man that's pretty funny!! The things you talk about when you have been married so long!lol!