Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tyson is 6 months old!

     Tyson is 6 months old! I can't believe that my baby is already half-way to 1 year old! He went to his well-baby check up today, he weighed a whopping 19 lbs and 10 oz!!!! He is 27.5 inches. Both height and weight are in the 90th percentile. His head is above 97th percentile. He is all around a big baby! Maelee was this big at her 15 month appointment. Raelyn was this size at her one year appointment. I absolutely can not believe that this is my kid! I absolutely love that he is so big. He is very strong as well. He thinks he is like a one year old .
Tyson has 6 teeth! Can you believe it? He had is first 2 come in at 3 months old. Then his top 4 came in all at once about a 2 weeks ago. Not even 6 months old with 6 teeth! He amazes me. This is soooo different than the girls.
He is now sitting unsupported. He started sitting up at 4.5 months, once again my earliest sitter. He enjoys anyone giving him a smile or attention. He loves food, although we do not allow him to have it. Today he was sitting in my lap and Raelyn was right by me eating a Ding Dong. Tyson leaped out of my arms as far as he can and snatched some right out of her hand! Too bad I am a mean mommy and would not allow him to eat it. I wish I could feed him solids but with the digestive issues that my children have, I just cannot allow him to eat certain foods. Poor kid, but mommy knows best.
He loves his sisters. He enjoys their company. You can often find him laughing at them. He really likes them to play with him. He loves Raelyn's soccer ball (pictures below) he loves to push it and then reach as far as he can for it. He is even starting to get on his hands and knees reaching.
I have really enjoyed the last 6 months with my first baby boy. Boys are girls are truly different. He is my best baby. I hope it continues in toddlerhood.
I Love You Tyson!


-The Bergen Family- said...

its crazy how similar your kids look like!!! I can't believe he's 6 months!!!!

Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

He is a cutie! (I mean a Stud)

Jonny and Brittany said...

WOW! Such a sweet little boy!:)